Filter Products
- $16.00 per metre
- 2025 True Colors
- 85 & Fabulous
- Abandoned
- Animal
- Animals
- Anna Maria Horner
- Arcadia
- Artisan
- Artworks
- Aug_2023
- Aug_2024
- Australian
- Australian Garden Twist
- Awareness
- Batting
- Be My Hero
- Beautiful Basics
- Besties
- Blender
- Blue
- Book
- Border Print
- Bramble
- Bright.Eyes
- Bunny Trail
- By My Hero
- Canvas
- Carnivale
- Caroline
- Chapter 1
- Charm 5" Squares
- Chasing Waves
- Cherry Lemonade
- Coco
- Color Fusion
- Colorworks
- Conservatory
- Cottage Garden
- Cowboy Up
- Cracked Shadow
- Creekside
- Cute as a Button
- Dance Card
- Dandelions
- Daydreamer
- Deja Vu
- Denim
- Design Roll
- Designer Solids
- Dewdrop
- Dinosaur.Friends
- Dragons
- Dragons Breath
- Dream Big
- Early Bird
- Ebb and Flow
- Embark
- Emma
- End of Roll
- English Garden
- English Summer
- English.Paper.Piecing
- Essential
- Essentialy Yours
- Everglow
- EZMinky
- Fablewood
- Fairy Dust
- Farm
- Fast Friends
- Fat Quarter Bundle
- Feb.2022
- Feb2023
- Feb2025
- Florabelle
- Floral
- Florida
- Fluent
- Forest Friends
- Freespiritprecut
- FullForestMoon
- FullMoonForest
- Garden Bright
- Garden Brighter
- GatheringNoMoss
- Gift of Friendship
- Go Go Dino
- Green
- Grumpy Cat
- Grunge
- Half Metre Bundle
- Happy.Blooms
- Hedgehog-Hollow
- Hello World
- Hexy
- Hindsight
- Home Sweet Home
- In The Beginning
- Indelible
- Indigo Stitches
- Its All About Me
- Jelly Roll
- Jubilee
- Kaffe Fassett
- Kaffe Fassett Collective
- Kaffe Morris & Co
- KFC Aug 2022
- KFC.PreCut
- Kit
- Kits
- Land Art
- Layer Cake
- Le Pavot
- Lift Off
- Linework
- Little Clementine
- Long Distance
- Love.Always.AM
- Magic
- Magic-Friends
- Maker's bundle
- Marbles
- Marti-Michell
- Mask
- Meraki
- Merry Go Round
- Metre
- Metre Bundle
- Mini Fun Fair
- Minky
- Mixed Bolt
- Modern Background Luster
- Modern Background More Paper
- Monochrome
- Morningmoon Fairies
- Mystery Quilt
- Mythical
- Natural Beauty
- Natural World
- Natures Trail
- Neon
- Neon_True_Colors
- NeonTrueColors
- New Tula Pink Solids
- Nightshade
- Noahs Ark
- Notion
- Novelty
- Nursery Rhymes
- Ombre
- Once Upon A Time
- Our Fair Home
- Out of Africa
- Painted Garden
- Panel
- Parisville
- Pattern
- Piecework
- Pizzazz
- Pre Cut
- PreCut
- PreOrder
- Provisions
- Purebred 11
- Quilts by the Sea
- Quilts in an English Village
- Quilts in the Cotswolds
- Quilts in Wales
- Quotation
- Rainbow Fish
- Raining Cats & Dogs
- Ready Set Wiggle
- Red-Hot
- Reflections
- Remnant
- Renaissance Ribbon
- Ribbons
- Roar
- Ruby Star Society
- Ruler
- Sail Away
- Sale
- Savannah
- Savernake Road
- Seeds
- Shot Cotton
- Silk Road
- Snow Leopard
- Soiree
- Solid
- Sophia
- Souvenir
- Sparkle Cotton
- Spectrum
- Stories & Songbirds
- Sweet-Bees
- Sweet_Bees Designer_Susybee
- Tabby-
- Tabby.Road
- Tambourine
- Temple-Garden
- Texture Graphix
- The Good Life
- The Guilty Quilter
- The Migration
- Thicket
- Tiny-Beasts
- Tiny-Dots
- Tiny-Stripes
- Tonal
- tone
- Treasure.Island
- True Colors
- Tula Pink
- Tula Pink Precut
- Unicorn Poop
- Unicorns
- Untamed
- Unusual Garden
- Vestige
- Vintage
- Welcome Home
- When Skies are Grey
- Wide back
- Wideback
- Woven-Stripes
- Yes Please
- Zoeys Garden
- 10" Charm
- 11 ½ " ruler
- 30s
- 3D pattern
- 6 1/2
- 8 ½"
- Aboriginal Dot
- Acanthus
- Agate
- Amaryllis
- Amaze
- Ammonites
- Among the stars
- Anchor
- Animal
- Animals
- Aqua
- Arrow
- Artichoke
- Asian.Circles
- Australian
- Baby
- BabyYoda
- Background
- Backing
- Backing fabric
- Bag Making
- Bali Brocade
- Ballet
- Balls
- BananaTree
- Bang
- Beach Balls
- Bead-Stripe
- Beaded Curtain
- Beaded-Tent
- Bees
- BeMindful
- Big Blooms
- Bikes
- Bird
- Birds
- Blackburn
- Blender
- Blocks
- Bloom
- Bluebell
- Board-Stripe
- Border Print
- Border Prints
- Bossy
- Botanical
- Branches
- BranchManager
- Brassica
- Bright Weave
- Brimming
- Brocade Peony
- Brollies
- Bubble.stripe
- Bubbly
- Bunny
- Busy Lizzy
- Butterflies
- Butterfly
- Butterfly-Kisses
- ButtonMosaic
- Cactus Flower
- Cactus-Dahlia
- Caladium
- Camo.Flower
- Candy Stripe
- Carnival
- Carpet Cookies
- Cat
- Caterpillar-Stripe
- Cats
- Charlotte
- Charm Squares
- Check
- Checkmate
- CheckPlease
- Chevron
- Chevron Stripes
- Chicago
- Children
- Childrens
- Chips
- Christmas
- Chrysanthemum
- Circle
- Circus
- Climbing Geraniums
- Cloisonne
- Club-Kitty
- Co-Ordinate
- Coleus
- Collage
- Color Brigade
- Comb.stripe
- Coral
- Cork
- Corner Clipper
- Cosmos
- Cotton Candy Pinwheels
- Creased
- Cross
- Curly-Basket
- Daffodil & Dogwood
- Daisy
- Daisyandconfused
- DamaskFlower
- Dancing Dahlias
- Dappled
- Darker
- Denim
- Design Roll
- Diamond Stripe
- Diamonds
- Dinasour
- Dinosaur
- DinosaurEggs
- Disco
- Disco-Lucy
- Discs
- Disney
- Dog
- Dogs
- Dorothy
- Dots
- Dragons Breath
- Dream
- Droplets
- Easter
- Echinacea
- Echinacea.Glow
- Elf
- Embroidered Flower
- Embroidered Shawl
- Emma
- Enchanted
- Exotic-Stripe
- Fabric pack
- Facets
- Faded.Tile
- Fairy Dust
- Fairy Flakes
- Fans
- Fantasy
- Farm
- Fat Quarter Bundle
- Feathers
- Filter
- Fish
- Fish Lips
- Fishing
- Fittonia
- Floating.Hibiscus
- Flora
- Floral
- Flower
- Flower Dot
- Flower-Field
- Flower-Lattice
- Flower_Net
- Flowers
- FlowerStudies
- Forbidden fruit snacks
- Fossils
- Fox
- France
- Freefall
- Fronds
- Fruit
- Fruits/Vegetables
- Funky Flora
- Fushimi
- Garden-Party
- Garland
- Geodes
- Geometric
- Ghost Nouveau
- GhostDroplettes
- GiftRapt
- Gingham
- Giraffe
- Girl
- girls
- Glow in the Dark
- Goldfish
- Gradi-Floral
- Granada
- Grandiose
- Grid
- Guinea Flower
- Half Metre Bundle
- Hashbrowns for breakfast
- Heart
- Hearts
- Hedgehog
- HelloDahlia
- Hexagon
- Hexagons
- Hexy
- Hexy.Rainbow
- Hokusai's_Mum
- Home Made
- Honorable Mention
- HootiePatootie
- House Leeks
- Hugs
- Hyacynthus
- Hydrangea
- ImpendingBloom
- In.Town
- Indian
- Japanese Chrysanthemum
- Japonica
- Jelly Roll
- Jetty
- Jewels
- Julia
- Jumble
- Jungle
- Jupiter
- Katagami
- Kit
- Koi_Polloi
- Kyoto
- Lace
- Lacy Leaf
- Ladybugs
- Lake
- Lake Blossom
- Layer Cake
- Lazy Angle
- Leaves
- Leicester
- Licensed
- Lichen
- Lighter
- LighttheWay
- Lil Charmer
- Lil Jaguars
- Lily-Pond
- Linea
- Little Amsterdam
- Little Chicago
- Little Fluffy Clouds
- Llama
- Locket
- London
- Lotto
- Lotus Leaf
- Low Volume
- Lucy
- Macaw Ya Later
- Map
- Maple-Cascade
- Marble-Scallops
- Market-Basket
- Mars
- Masculine
- Mask
- Meadow
- Melange
- Metallic
- MeteorShowers
- Metre Bundle
- Michaelmas.Daisy
- Millefiore
- Mineral
- Minky
- Modern
- Moon
- Mosaic Circles
- Moss
- Moss.Flower
- Motorcycles
- Mouse
- Movies/TV
- Music
- Mystical
- Mythical
- Narrow-Stripes
- Nautical
- Navy
- Neptune
- New York
- NorthernLights
- Novelty
- Nursery
- Oak
- Ocean
- Octopus
- Ombre
- Ombre Leaves
- Onion Rings
- OnTheGrid
- Oranges
- Oriental
- Oriental Trees
- Overachiever
- Owl
- Paisley
- Palm-Leaves
- Panel
- Panels
- Papaver
- Paper Fans
- Paperweight
- Paris
- Patches
- Patchwork
- Patras
- Pattern
- Pebble Mosaic
- Penny-Wise
- Peony
- Peony-Cascade
- Persian Vase
- Pets
- Piano Sorte
- Picky
- Pillowcase
- Pinwheels
- Plaid
- Polka Dots
- Pom Pom
- Poppies
- Postage.Due
- Pre Order
- PreCut
- Primulas
- Prism Patch
- Promenade Stripe
- Propagate
- Puppylove
- Quilt
- rabbit
- raiment
- Rainbow
- Rainbows
- Rainful
- Reflections
- Regal Fans
- Regimental Ties
- Reptile
- Rhododendrons
- Rings
- Rolled Paper
- Roman Glass
- Roses
- Rusted Patina
- Safari
- Sailor.Valentine
- Sampler
- Saturdaze
- Savannah
- Sea
- Sea Urchins
- Sewing
- Shaded Squares
- Shadow Flower
- Shadowplay
- Shaggy
- ShakeYourHoneyMaker
- Sharks Teeth
- Sheep
- Shell
- Ship
- Shiraz
- Shirt stripes
- Shot Cotton
- Sinister Gathering
- Skulls/Goth
- Skunk
- Small Incarnation
- SmBubbleStripe
- Sofishticated
- Solid
- Space
- SpaceSprinkles
- Spices Fusion
- Splatter Dots
- Spot
- Spots
- Sprays
- Square
- Squiggle
- Stacked
- Stained.Damask
- star
- Star Cluster
- Stardust
- Stargazer
- Stars
- Stone Flower
- Strawberry Thief
- Stripe
- Stripes
- Sundaze
- Sunflowers
- Sunkissed
- sweet peas
- SweetTooth
- Targets
- Tent Stripes
- text
- Texture
- TheMandalorian
- Tickle_Me_Fancy
- Tilt
- Tonal Floral
- ToneOnTone
- Transport
- Tree
- TreeRex
- Trefoil
- Triangle
- Trifecta
- Tropical
- tropical.water.lillies
- Tudor
- Tulas True Colours
- Turtle
- Twig
- TwoColourDesigns
- Unicorn
- Urn
- Van_Gogh
- Variegated Morning Glory
- Vegetables
- Vestment
- Vine
- Visitation
- Wandle
- Watermelon
- Western
- Whale
- WhatADitz
- Whisper Weave
- Wideback
- Wiggles
- Wildflower
- WildVine
- WingIt
- Wisteria
- Witch
- Words
- World
- Zebra
- Zig Zag
- Zinnia
- Abyss
- Admiral
- AfricanViolet
- Agave
- Agean
- Algae
- Amazon
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Anemome
- Antique
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aqua
- Aquamarine
- Ash
- Aster
- Aubergine
- Aura
- Autumn
- Aventurine
- Avocado
- Azalea
- Azure
- Banana
- Be Mine
- Begonia
- Beige
- Berry
- Bird
- Black
- Black/White
- Bliue
- Bloom
- Blossom
- Blue
- Blue Fury
- Blue/White
- Bluebell
- Blueberry
- Blush
- Bottle
- Bright
- Brown
- Bubblegum
- Buff
- Burgandy
- Burn
- Burnt
- Butter
- Buttercup
- Butterscotch
- Byzantine
- Cabbage
- Candy
- Caramel
- Carnaby
- Carnelian
- Carnival
- Celadon
- Celestial
- Celestine
- Cerulean
- Chalk
- Chambray
- Charcoal
- Cheese Sauce
- Cherry
- Chiffon
- China
- Chocolate
- Cinamon
- Citrine
- Citrus
- Clarity
- ClearWater
- Cloud
- Clover
- Cobalt
- Cocoa
- Contast
- Contrast
- Cool
- Coral
- Cornflower
- Cosmic
- Cotton Candy
- Cranberry
- Cream
- Cricket
- Crimson
- Crystal Sea
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Dark
- Darker
- Dawn
- Daydream
- Dazzle
- Delft
- Delphinium
- Denim
- Desert
- Dim
- Diva
- Dove
- Dragonfly
- Dragonfruit
- Drama
- Dream
- Drift
- Duck Egg
- Dusk
- Dusky
- Dynasty
- Earth
- Ecru
- Eggplant
- ElectricBlue
- Electroberry
- Embers
- Emerald
- Enchanted
- Equinox
- Eraser
- Evening
- FairyDust
- Fawn
- Fern
- Fire
- Fire fish
- Flamingo
- Flare
- Flirt
- Forest
- Foxglove
- Freesia
- Frolic
- Frost
- Froth
- FruitPunch
- Fuchsia
- Glacier
- Glimmer
- Glow
- Gold
- Golden
- Granite
- Grape
- Grass
- Gray
- Green
- Green/White
- Grey
- Grey Paper
- Gris
- Guava
- HarborMist
- Heather
- Heliotrope
- Highlighter
- Holiday
- Honesty
- Honey
- Honeydew
- Hot
- Hot Pink
- HotLips
- HotPink
- Hydrangea
- Ice
- IceGrey
- Indigo
- Ink
- Iris
- Ivory
- Jade
- Jasper
- Jewel
- Julep
- July
- Jungle
- Juniper
- Karma
- Khaki
- Kiwi
- Knightsbridge
- Kraft
- Lake
- Lamplight
- Lapis
- Lava
- Lavender
- Leaf
- Leafy
- Legendary
- Lemon
- Lemondrop
- Lighter
- Lightningbug
- Lilac
- LilacMist
- Lilypad
- Lime
- Limeade
- Lullaby
- Lunar
- Lunch
- Lupine
- Magenta
- Magic
- Malachite
- Mallard
- Mango
- Marigold
- Maritime
- Maroon
- Matcha
- Mauve
- May
- Meadow
- Melon
- Merlot
- Midnight
- Mint
- Mist
- Misty
- Mocha
- Moody
- Moon Shadow
- Moon_Beam
- Moonbeam
- Moonflower
- Moonglow
- Moonstone
- Morganite
- Morning
- Moss
- Mountain
- Multi
- Multi-Colour
- Mustard
- Muti
- Myrtle
- Mysterious
- Mystery
- Mystic
- Natural
- Navy
- Nerium
- Neutral
- Night
- Noir
- Noon
- Nora
- Nova
- Obsidian
- Ocean
- Ochre
- OffWhite
- Oleander
- Onyx
- Opal
- Opera
- Orange
- Orchid
- Pantina
- Papaya
- Papaya Punch
- Paper
- Paprika
- Pastel
- Patina
- Peach
- Peach Blossom
- Peachfuzz
- Peachy
- Peachykeen
- Peacock
- Pear
- Pebble
- Peony
- Peridot
- Persimmon
- Petal
- Petunia
- Pewter
- Picky
- Piglet
- Pinapple
- Pine
- Pineapple
- Pink
- Pink/Red
- PinkLemonade
- Pistachio
- Plum
- Pomegranate
- Poppy
- Powder
- PowdercoatGrey
- Prism
- Prune
- Pumpkin
- Puprle
- Purple
- Purplewinkle
- Putty
- Rainbow
- Raindrop
- Raspberry
- red
- Red/White
- Regal
- Rio Red
- Riore
- Rosa
- Rose
- Rosegold
- Rouge
- Royal
- Ruby
- Russett
- Rust
- Sage
- Salmon
- Salmon Rose
- SaltWater
- Sand
- Sapphire
- Scarlet
- Seabreeze
- Seafoam
- Seaglass
- Seaweed
- Sepia
- September
- Shadow
- Shell
- Sherbert
- Shimmer
- Shire
- Shocking
- Shoreline
- Sienna
- Silver
- Sky
- Slate
- Smoke
- Snapdragon
- Soft Tan
- Songbird
- Sorbet
- Spark
- Sparkle
- Spearmint
- Spirit
- Spring
- Stargazer
- starlight
- Starling
- Steel
- Stone
- Storm
- Strawberry
- Strawberryblonde
- subway
- Summer
- Sunbeam
- Sunburn
- Sunburst
- Sunflower
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- SurfTheWeb
- Surfur
- Tan
- Tangerine
- Tanzanite
- Taupe
- Tawny
- Teal
- Technomint
- Thistle
- Tiger Lily
- Tomato
- Tourmaline
- Tropical
- Turquoise
- Twilight
- Vellum
- Velvet
- Vineyard
- Vintage
- Vinyard
- Viola
- Violet
- Warm
- Water
- Waterfall
- Watermelon
- Whimsy
- Whisper
- White
- White paper
- Wild Berry
- WildFire
- Wine
- Winter
- WinterWhite
- Wonderland
- Yam
- Yellow
- Yellow.Gold
- Abi Hall
- American Jane
- Amy Butler
- Anna Maria
- Anna Maria Horner
- Anne Bollman
- Bari J
- Basic Grey
- Bethan Janine
- Bonnie & Camille
- Bonnie Christine
- Bookhou
- Brandon Mably
- Brenda Riddle
- Bronwyn Hayes
- Christopher Florence
- Cori.Dantini
- Courtney Cerruti
- Creative Grids
- Cystal Manning
- DanMorris
- David Walker
- Deb Payne
- Deborah Edwards
- Elizabeth.Hartman
- Erica Hite
- Erin Michael
- Free Blush
- Gingiber
- Jackie Shapiro
- Janet Clare
- Jason Yenter
- Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero
- Jennifer Paganelli
- Joanne Cocker
- Jodie Carleton
- Jody Bergsma
- Joel Dewberry
- Judie Rothermel
- Julia Cairns
- Juliana Horner
- Kaffe Fassett
- Laura Heine
- Leslie Moak Murray
- Margot Elena
- Marti-Michell
- Maureen Cracknell
- Melly & Me
- Mia Charro
- Michael Miller
- Monica Forsberg
- Morris & Co.
- Morris Kaffe & Co
- Nathalie Lete
- Nicole De Leon
- Odile Bailloeul
- Patti-Carey
- Philip Jacobs
- Rashida Coleman-Hale
- Samantha Walker
- Sandy Gervais
- Santoro (Kori Kumi)
- Sarah Jane
- Sharon Holland
- Sherri & Chelsi
- Stacy Iest Hsu
- Studio 8
- Sue Daley
- Sue Penn
- Susan Cousineau
- Susy.Bee
- Tanya Whelan
- Tim Holtz
- Tina Higgins
- Tokyo Milk
- Tula Pink
- Turnowsky
- Wandle
- Whistler Studio
- William Morris
- Zen Chic
*#Everglow designed by Tula Pink 1 Metre Bundle
The bundle contains 1 Metre Cut of each of the pictured fabrics from the Everglow Range, 8 Metres in all.
*#Neon True Colors by Tula Pink - Half Metre bundle
Each bundle contains 24 Half Metres - 1 of each in the Neon True Colors Range.
*PRE CUT Dashwood - Natures Trail - NATR 1136 – leaves 1 METRE
$12.00 $24.00
$12.00 THE PIECE The price is for a precut 1 Metre piece of fabric, please note if multiple pieces are bought they will come as individual 1 metre pieces of fabric.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm
*PRE CUT Dashwood - Natures Trail - NATR 1134 – flowers bees - 1 METRE
$12.00 $24.00
$12.00 THE PIECE The price is for a precut 1 Metre piece of fabric, please note if multiple pieces are bought they will come as individual 1 metre pieces of fabric.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm
*PRE CUT Dashwood Fablewood - FABL 1166 – Leaping Foxes - 1 Metre
$12.00 $24.00
$12.00 THE PIECE The price is for a precut 1 Metre piece of fabric, please note if multiple pieces are bought they will come as individual 1 metre pieces of fabric.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm
*PRE CUT Dashwood Fablewood - FABL 1168 – Buds & Bloom - 1 Metre
$12.00 $24.00
$12.00 THE PIECE The price is for a precut 1 Metre piece of fabric, please note if multiple pieces are bought they will come as individual 1 metre pieces of fabric.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm
*PRE CUT HELLO WORLD Words Blue by Abi Hall - 35302-16 PRICED BY A 1 METRE PIECE
$12.00 $22.00
$12.00 THE PIECE The price is for a precut 1 Metre piece of fabric, please note if multiple pieces are bought they will come as individual 1 metre pieces of fabric.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm*
$12.00 $22.00
$12.00 THE PIECE The price is for a precut 1 Metre piece of fabric, please note if multiple pieces are bought they will come as individual 1 metre pieces of fabric.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm
*PRE CUT HELLO WORLD Words Grey by Abi Hall - 35302-19 - PRICED BY A 1 METRE PIECE
$12.00 $22.00
$12.00 THE PIECE The price is for a precut 1 Metre piece of fabric, please note if multiple pieces are bought they will come as individual 1 metre pieces of fabric.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm
*PRE CUT* Ella Blue - MINI FUN FAIR -TE7011PU Fair PURPLE - 1 Metre Cut
$10.00 $20.00
$10.00 THE PIECE The price is for a precut 1 Metre piece of fabric, please note if multiple pieces are bought they will come as individual 1 metre pieces of fabric.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm Melly’s debut fabric collection for Ella Blue, “Mini Fun Fair” is inspired by one of her earliest and fondest childhood memories when at only four year...
*PRE CUT* Ella Blue - MINI FUN FAIR -TE7012PU Carousel Horses PURPLE - 1 Metre
$10.00 $20.00
$10.00 THE PIECE The price is for a precut 1 Metre piece of fabric, please note if multiple pieces are bought they will come as individual 1 metre pieces of fabric.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm Melly’s debut fabric collection for Ella Blue, “Mini Fun Fair” is inspired by one of her earliest and fondest childhood memories when at only four year...
*REMNANT - FARM Clouds AQUA 421683 - 1.4 METRES
*REMNANT - FARM Clouds AQUA 421683 - 1.4 METRES
$22.00 $29.40
$22.00 THE PIECE 1.4 METRES X WOFContents 100% cottonWidth 112cm Jackie Shapiro for French Bull gives us Farm!! Friendly farm animals, an animal themed word print, cheerful clouds and textured wood prints all in her signature bright color palette. This kid-centric collection makes it perfect for nursery quilts, school room accessories or cute ...
*REMNANT FARM Woodgrain GREEN 421702 - 85 CM
*REMNANT FARM Woodgrain GREEN 421702 - 85 CM
$14.00 $18.70
$14.00 the piece 85 Cm X WOFContents 100% cottonWidth 112cm
*REMNANT* Marcus Fabric Grumpy Cat Aqua on White Grumpy Text 1.3 METRES
$19.90 $29.90
$19.90 the piece 1.3 METRES X WOF PLEASE NOTE THIS IS AN END OF ROLL AND WILL NOT BE CUT.Contents 100% cottonWidth 112 cms
*REMNANT* The Migration - ANIMAL TOSS / Creamsicle - 68 CM
$10.80 $14.95
$10.80 the piece 68 cm x WOF THE MIGRATIONANIMAL TOSSStyle # : 24975 -OColor : CREAMSICLE Contents 100% cottonWidth 112cm
+#Neon True Colors by Tula Pink - Fat Quarter bundle
Each bundle contains 24 Fat Quarters - 1 of each in the Neon True Colors Range.
Art Gallery - Aura - Hawaiian Honu Dusk Our-44904 Turtles.Priced per 25cm
$20.80 per metre / $5.20 per 25 Cm. Island memories from an adventure to Hawaii with his daughter, Helena, guided Matthew’s creation of the whimsical and vibrant Aura. The unique visuals and feels are captured in color palettes inspired by swimming with dolphins and otherworldly sunsets. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased ...
Art Gallery - Buck Forest Lake - HBR-4434-10.Priced per 25cm
$21.00 per metre / $5.25 per 25 Cm. Named after Bonnie’s son, Bear, this collection inspires all to see the outdoors through a new set of eyes. Illustrated with woodsy tones like pastel moss, conifer and bark, Hello, Bear invites all young at heart explorers to frolic and listen to the playful sounds of the wilderness. Fabric is sent as 1 piec...
Art Gallery - Tiny Buck Forest Mint HBR-4440-1.Priced per 25cm
$21.00 per metre / $5.25 per 25 Cm. Named after Bonnie’s son, Bear, this collection inspires all to see the outdoors through a new set of eyes. Illustrated with woodsy tones like pastel moss, conifer and bark, Hello, Bear invites all young at heart explorers to frolic and listen to the playful sounds of the wilderness. Fabric is sent as 1 piec...
$22.00 per panel The latest digital prints from Artworks bring a world of places and animals to you in striking detail! © Colin Bogle Weight / Material / Width: Quilting, Cotton, 112cms Panel is 61cms x 110.5cm
$18.00 $21.80
$18.00 per panel Each panel and print are its own masterpiece ready to be accented simply with color coordinates, or more elaborately as the focus of a dynamic project. The elephant with flowers, tree-scape, cityscape pillow panel, and swirl geometric fabrics are diverse in subject matter, but are unified in their beauty and execution as a curat...
$22.00 $24.80
$22.00 per panel A magical menagerie of artist ©Adrian Chesterman in stunning digital detail on fabric. These Animal focused panels and allover are perfect for creating bold projects with a large-scale feature. Lions and tigers and bears and pandas and flamingos and… The small pictures measure 9 Cm. Wide X 9.5 Cm. Height. 36 Panel ©Adrian Cheste...
$6.20 $6.80
$24.80 per metre / $6.20 per 25 Cm. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms wi...
BESTIES No Rush BLOSSOM - PWTP216.Priced per 25cm
$29.00 PM/ $7.20 PER 25CM Repeat 10.8" x 25" Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straigh...